Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Arrtsy farrtsy!

Lily insisted on having the alarm clock in her room, and waking up at 5:30, Which we don't even leave for school until 8:30. So she beat the alarm clock by ten minutos, and was ready to go by 6:15, Jacket and all. That girl is hilarious these days. Figured out it snowed a bit, and we decided to check, and sure enough, NO SCHOOL! Ha! Lily was pretty upset. So instead of sledding, since it was freezing today, we decided to go to 4th Street Live. Totally fun, our first time there. And what is a snowy cold day without an art museum? We painted like three pictures each, and pretended to look at all the other art:). Absolutely fun day with the fam!

1 comment:

aj perkins said...

So I love all teh oics of Kentucky and cant wait to come and visit! You all look so happy!! Good luck on your two talks, Iknow you will do great! I just got put in as Primary 1st counsler so if you have any primary activity days let me know PLEASE!! Love ya and miss you bunches!