Monday, July 14, 2008

Blossom Fashion Show

Blossom Fashion Show, Don't Miss it!!


Suni said...

Jodi thanks for the invite but I am going to be out of town, we are going to Colorado. I am trying to get everything in before Abby starts school! Sounds like fun, I am sure it will be great! Lets get together soon!

Fuentes Family said...

Jodi, Hey, would Friday work for you, for all us girls to come in to Blossom? That would be better for a few of us. And do we need to all come in at the same time? This should be interesting. Are you still looking for people? There might be a couple of girls in Snowflake, who would do it. Let me know.

Fuentes Family said...

Hey, I got a few more people lined up (2 for sure and 1 maybe). Mauriah and Addie aren't doing it anymore. Sorry, if that causes problems. There are a few more people I could ask if you need them. I don't know who to call on the church...They usually keep it locked on that day, because of all the people at the park. But since the arts and crafts show isn't there, maybe? email me at and I'll give you my phone#.

Torgersons said...

Okay, I'm adding your family blog to my list of blogs so everyone knows how hot my family is! Love, Jess

sheri rog said...

i missed it!!
how are you? i need to come in and get some new clothes! i bought a shirt a few weeks ago, but you weren't there.
congrats on your store in s.l.! i would LOVE to open up a clothing store somewhere. maybe one day.
come say hi on our blog. i found yours through erica (vance). i'm so glad. Ü