Thursday, July 31, 2008

Snowflake Fashion Show... Off the fasizzle chain!!


The Baum Squad said...

Jodi - You didn't really have to post the pics did you? You do realize you have a life size one of me at the bottom of your blog page...the one where I'm trying hard to frown (?) or not smile. Come on now. It was fun. Macy has put on more than a couple fashion shows since then. Hey and some how I missed out on the blossom bucks. I know it was a crazy day for you guys. My sisters wanted to know how long their bucks are good for?

Blossom Salon said...
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nicole said...

Jodi- checked out your blog and love it! BTW- I remember you telling me once painting your kitchen grey. I think I saw it in the background of pic with you and hubby and it looks so chic!!! I can't wait to start my own blog. I tried to set-up acct. but need to pick the perfect name. Which is turning out to be as hard as naming my kids. Good to see you today.

ann said...

Hey Jodi,
I just thought I'd throw this out there, I have a niece who just moved up here and she is dying to work at blossom. I have no idea if you even mess with the hiring up here but if you ever need someone let me know. By the way it looks like the fashion show was a hit.

Summer said...

Jodi, I heard lots of good stuff about your float and things. My family(inlaws)was there promoting mil Sylvia Tenney Allen.

Anyways, hey I need a new do but I am so lost. I need ideas. Any good sites you can reccommend?

Did your girls start school yet?