Sunday, November 30, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
into the weekend, and eat lots of turkey, and attempt some homemade noodles, and pumpkin roll, and go to the movies, and laugh until I cry, and talk about the good times and kiss my family and hug my family, and have no schedule. I am so thankful for Thanksgiving. I think we should have it more than once a year. I think I need to be reminded more of all the beautiful people that I have in my life and all of the acts of service that people do for my family all year long. I think it will be a sweet weekend to remember. I can't wait to blog about it!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Fashion Show...
Heather Stone siteinstone.blogspot.comis friends with the author of the book Twilight. Heather rented a 300 seat theater for the movie that came out today.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
I am thankful for all the help I've had with the Fashion Show
It's always lots of work doing a fashion show, I seriously love it. It's amazing how many People that it takes. This Saturday at 7:oo P.M. at Blossom. All of the ticket sales will go to Nie. It is going to be a serious shin dig. Huge sale after the show. 25% Off all New Clothing.
Over 40 outfits modeled.....the coolest hairdos and makeup... It's outside...
The Nielsen's are still needing us...
That is what I am thankful for today. Thanks for everyone's help thus far..I will still need you,
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I am thankful for my calling..
Friday, November 14, 2008
I really was thankful yesterday, just didn't post...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
I am thankful for Lucky Minutes...Do you have any??
Made with My Cool Signs.Net
Monday, November 10, 2008
I am thankful for my girls
Saturday, November 8, 2008
This was written by a good friend but I will be on the list too...If You think you might know someone who would love to come, please email them my blog. Thanks so much.
As most of you know I have been training to become a life coach for the past 2 years. I have learned and grown a lot since then. My passion is to help women find their passion and live their purpose. The best way I have thought of to do this, is to put on retreats for women. I want women to be able to come to a retreat for a weekend and get their buckets filled. I want women to leave with new ideas, deeper friendships, more love for themselves, bigger dreams, be rejuvenated, and have the time of their lives.
To insure success I have put together a team of amazing women that are passionate about what they do and teach.
Michelle Baer
-Singer, Song Writer, and Inspirational Speaker
Dodie Blomberg
- Life coach, Positive Discipline Parent Trainer and Fitness Trainer
Jodi Hatfield
-Blossom Boutique and Salon Owner, Designated fun maker and creative genius
Allison Johnson
-Image Consultant, Personal Shopper and speaker.
Carla Jorgensen
-Success coach, President of Time to Blossom Coaching and Retreats, passionate about helping women discover their greatness.
Shari Lyon
-Wellness Coach, Nutritionist, Trained in reflexology therapeutic massage, essential oils and much more. Her slogan is "live well, eat well, be well."
I was planning on doing my first retreat Jan 2009. But I was able to get some fabulous rooms at Marriott's Canyon Villas at Desert Ridge in Scottsdale for a great deal so I thought I would just go for it. I know it is a crazy time of year! The retreat dates are Dec. 18 10:00am to Dec. 20 9:00am. The cost is $190.00 each if you share a King or Queen bed or you can have a pull out couch by yourself.
This is a 3 night package. The retreat is 12/18-12/20 (scheduled activities), the third day 12/21 is included for those who choose to stay an extra day to relax at the resort or shop nearby. The 2 day retreat includes classes, food, fun, a life changing gift, and a more enriched life. The 3rd day is complimentary but includes no food or activities. If you want more info email me
Friday, November 7, 2008
I am Thankful for Letters
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I Am ThankFul For Doors.
i WiSH tHEy wERe mY fRoNT dOORS.
sO tHE rEASoNS tHAT i AM tHANKfUl FOR dOOrS,...tHERE aRE mANY. i wiLL tRy mY bEsT tO gIVE tHEm thE rECoGNiTIoN tHAt THeY dEsErVe. mY fiRST tHoUGHt whEN i LoOKeD at THiS pICtURE, hOW bEAuTiFuL. mY sECoND tHoUGHT iS hOW bAd i wANt TO go iN, iS tHErE ANy cHAnCE tHAt THe iNsIDE cOuLD be hALF aS BEAUtIFuL aS THE oUTSiDE? jUST so yOU kNOW tHaT iS ABSoLUTELy My fAVoRITE cOLOr. sO bESIDES tHE bEAUTy oF dOORS, mY nEXT REAsoN tO bE tHAnKfUl FoR dooRS...hMMM...i rEAlLY fEeL lIkE soME aDjECTiVES woULD bE eASiER tO uNDERStAND ThE pOiNT i AM tRYInG TO GeT aCRoSS. pRoTeCTiON, oPPoRtUNiTy, pOWeR, sEcuRiTy, aRcHiTeCtURal, sAfEhAVeN, bEauTy, hIStORy, cuRIoSiTy, chARaCtER, dOOR: a bARRIER FOR an eNTrY tHAT eiTHER oPEnS oR cLoSES.
i am so ThanKFuL foR thE doORs tHAT hAvE bEEn oPEnED iN mY lIFE, aND tHaT i hAVE lEaRnED tHaT WhEN oNE dOOr clOsES anOtHeR oNE oPeNs.
i lOVE wALkINg tHRouGH tHE doORS tO a fAmILiAR pLACE. mY hOmE... mY mOM'S, mY frIENDS, wORk, oREGANo'S.
i lOVe tO tRy nEw tHiNGs anD i lOVE iT wHEn thE iNsiDE oF a buIlDiNG oUTdoES tHE ouTsiDE, jUsT lIKE whEn an oPPoRtuNITY{aN oPEn dooR}, eNdS uP tAkINg yOU wAY fURtHER tHAn yOU eVER iMAGiNED.
i LOVE to lOCk mY dooRS aT nIGhT anD tIpTOE quIEtLY, TO sLEEp KNoWiNG THAT mY gIRlS aRE fASt aSlEEP.
i lOVE tHE pIcTuRE oF chRiST aT tHE dooR...."Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
wHAt i Am tHAnKFuL fOR....dAy 1
yOU gUESSEd iT, nOT a lOCk BUt A lOCKsMITH. i eVEn HAvE a fAVORiTE. hIS nAME iS sHErED sHERwOOD, aNd hE oWnS ECOnO lOCk AND kEy. i rEALLy TRy AND uSE hIS sERVICeS at lEAST oNCE a mONTh. iF yOu hAVeN't foUnD tHAt spEciAL lOCKsmITh iN yOUr lIfE, pLEaSE alLoW mE tO giVE yOu A fEW pOINtERS.
1] nO hAbLo iNGlES iS rEAlLY a rED flAG. mY FiRSt lOCkSMiTh wOrKeD aT nO hAblO iNgLES, anD fOr soMe rEaSoN i hAd tO kEEp tElLiNG hIM...nOt tHe chEESE, tHE kEYS.
2} i ReAlLY lOOk fOr A ChEAp pRIcE. iN fACT mY nEW lOCKsMItH iS aBSoLUtELy fREE.
3) aNd fiNALLY, fInD a lOCkSmITH tHAT wILL uNlOCk yOUR bAThROOM dOOR tHAT yOU cAN'T, mAkE nEW kEyS jUST bECaUSE tHEy wERE DiRTY, pUT A nEW dOOR hANDLE AND lOCK oN aFtER yOU sAWED iT oFF bECaUSE yOU gAVE uP. i dO nOT hAVe tO sAW oFF mY dOOr hANDLES aNyMoRE, iT iS sO nICE. tHiS guY wIlL eVEn cOmE sAVe mE lIKE tWiCE a wEEK.
shEReD sHErWooD iF yOU aRE oUT tHERE, i JUsT wAnT tO tHANk YoU foR bEiNG mY pERsoNAL lOCKsMiTH. yOU aRE tHE bESt coUsiN eVER!!